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Engine Leaks

Engine Leaks

Do you have any leaks coming from your engine? Bring your car into RM Automotive today and let us check your engine for any Leaks .The vast majority of leaks are due to degraded engine gaskets, oil pan leaks, oil seals or bad connections. While we are in there checking your engine for leaks, we also check the oil pan drain plug. Next check the timing cover seal and the valve cover gaskets can be checked as well. Make an appointment today to have your car checked for leaks of any kind in your car. If your car has any kind of leak we will find it.   Make an appointment today at RM Automotive and let us check your car to find out if you have a leak today. RM Automotive 19248 Roscoe Blvd Northridge, CA 91324 www.rmauto.com (818)709-4343   #engineleak #coolantleak #enginetrouble #engine #enginerepair #rmauto #honda #toyota #mechanic #acura #nissan #asianimportspecialist #topshop #trust #lexus #belts #hoses #autorepair #northridge #infinity #scion #mazda #tuneup #repairshop ... read more

Your TIming Belt

Your TIming Belt

It just might be time for a new timing belt on your car. Let RM Automotive check to see if it is time to change the timing belt on your car. When you replace the timing belt usually the water pump is changed as well. If the timing belt snaps, they run into each other, causing bent valves (most common), cylinder head or camshaft damage, and possibly piston and cylinder wall damage. While it is possible that no damage could occur from a snapped belt on an interference engine, such a case is unlikely. Bring your car into Rm Automotive and let us check out your car and see if it is time to replace your timing belt

Time to replace your Alternator

Time to replace your Alternator

Take care of your transmission

Take care of your transmission

Spark Plugs get old and need to be changed

Spark Plugs get old and need to be changed

A simple maintenance type tune-up (a new set of plugs) may make an engine easier to start, improve fuel economy, lower emissions, restore lost pep and power, and so on provided engine performance deteriorated because of worn or fouled spark plugs. RM Automotive will check out your car from top to bottom when tuning up your vehicle such as spark plugs, plug wires, air filter and fuel filter. It's also a great time to check other components under the hood such as belts, hoses and fluids. Winter is here and with temperature change comes car needs. Bring your car in today for a tune-up or simple service. Check out our specials on our website. It just might be time for a new set of spark plugs in your car. The spark plugs in your car just might need to be changed along with cracked belts and hoses. RM Automotive 19248 Roscoe Blvd Northridge, CA 91324 (818)709-4343 www.rmauto.com #sparkplugs #smallthanks #weloveourcustomers #northrid ... read more